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North East Connected

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Law firm’s donation secures home for Rainbows


Oct 9, 2016

THE sun is shining on Rainbows who can call their new meeting place home for another year thanks to a grant from a regional law firm.

BHP Law is donating over £500 to the 1st Darlington (Mowden) Rainbows, who meet at Mowden Junior School.

The money, which is from the firm’s grass roots endowment fund held by County Durham Community Foundation, will cover the rent on the school hall for a year.

Leader Liz Thompson said:”We can’t even imagine raising that kind of amount every year so this is a really, really big help and puts all our minds at rest.

“If we didn’t get it we would have to seriously consider our future because the alternative would mean so much fund-raising. Now we know our rent is covered, any spare money we have from subs, which are kept down to £20 a term, can be spent on equipment and trips.”

The group used to meet at Mowden Infants School and moved to the Junior School building last year.

John Pratt, managing partner at BHP Law, said: “The Rainbows is just the kind of community group for children that we want to support. The leaders and other volunteers do a fantastic job and the children clearly love it, so if we can help by giving them the comfort of the rent being paid then we feel we are supporting them and contributing in a good way.”

The Rainbows have 15 members aged five and six and meet at the school at the same time as the Brownies, with Guides following on each Monday evening.

By Emily