North East Connected

Materials Processing Institute warns ‘speed is of the essence’ as Government recommended to commit to hydrogen and electric steelmaking

The Materials Processing Institute has welcomed a recommendation to the UK Government to “commit to a pilot of hydrogen-based steel production in the UK as part of its industrial decarbonisation strategy”.

Chris McDonald, Chief Executive of the national steel innovation centre gave oral evidence to the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Select Committee, in addition to the Institute’s formal written evidence.

It follows publication of the Teesside-based Institute’s “Decarbonisation of the Steel Industry in the UK” paper in March 2021.

Jointly authored with industrial consultancy, Syndex, it made a series of recommendations about how the decarbonisation of the steel industry provides Britain with an opportunity to stimulate domestic production and take a lead in the new Green Industrial Revolution.

Chris McDonald said: “Delivery of a DRI-hydrogen based solution alongside electric arc furnace technology for steel decarbonisation would enable Britain to deliver the net zero ambitions coming out of COP26 whilst allowing a smooth and just transition for the workforce.

“Speed is of the essence and an industrially-focused innovation strategy accelerating pilot and demonstration facilities will enable British steel producers to catch up with competitors in Sweden, Germany, Canada and even China.  The Prime Minister is right to describe UK steel as a “great national asset” so getting this right is essential to deliver the Green Industrial Revolution.

“The Select Committee’s recommendations for R&D’s role delivering decarbonisation can set Britain on the right track to a greener and more productive steel industry.”

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