• Mon. Oct 14th, 2024

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Museum Fundraising Campaign takes a step nearer its £1M target

Screen Shot 2016-01-13 at 15.06.11The Bowes Museum has moved a step nearer reaching its £1m fundraising target after securing additional pledges of match funding for its endowment fund.

The Museum’s fundraising campaign was launched in June 2012, following a successful award of £1m under the Catalyst Endowments programme; a joint enterprise between the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF), and Arts Council England (ACE).

Designed to bring new money into the cultural sector, the programme offers pound-for-pound match funding for donations made to The Bowes Museum Catalyst Endowment Fund, with the Museum required to raise £1m by the summer of 2016 to profit from the full amount of the award.

Donations to the fund are already eligible for Gift Aid, and then match funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund. However, two recent pledges to match future donations – made by a private individual and the Friends of The Bowes Museum – mean that for every £100 donated to the fund, and Gift Aided, the Museum will have £1,000 to invest and provide income each year thereafter.

So far, the campaign has realised over £425,000, but the additional match funding means that if the Museum can raise a further £200,000 it will have a total fund of £2m to be invested and provide annual income in perpetuity.

The revenue generated from The Bowes Museum Catalyst Endowment Fund will be used to advance the public’s knowledge and understanding of art, craft, design and history by underpinning the Museum’s activities, in particular long term curatorial, conservation and educational activities, along with the exhibition and events programme.

As the fundraising campaign enters its final phase the Museum is gearing up for a final push to help reach the £1m target. There are a number of ways for businesses or individuals to become involved – one-off cash or cheque donation, a standing order, a transfer of assets or legacy bequest – all helping ensure the long term survival of The Bowes Museum.

Adrian Jenkins, the Museum Director, said: “The Bowes Museum is a nationally important venue, with the recent Yves Saint Laurent exhibition demonstrating its potential. For the Museum to continue to prosper and flourish in the future, an ingredient which will give it stability and financial security is a substantial endowment. This multiple match funding means that supporters of The Bowes Museum have an exceptional opportunity to multiply their donation so that it supports the work of the Museum for the foreseeable future.”

To find out more about The Bowes Museum Catalyst Endowment Fund please email catalyst@thebowesmuseum.org.uk

When the four-year period of match funding ends this summer, the Museum intends to continue to build the Endowment Fund with further donations and legacy bequests with the aim of reaching the level of endowment that its founder, John Bowes, originally intended.

The Bowes Museum, Café Bowes and Shop are open daily from 10.00. A full programme of events and exhibitions is available by calling 01833 690606 or by viewing the website at www.thebowesmuseum.org.uk

By admin