• Sat. Sep 14th, 2024

North East Connected

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Nominations open for Hambleton’s 2016 Community Awards

Screen Shot 2015-11-25 at 09.40.07The search is on to find and honour Hambleton’s community champions.

Friends, family, work colleagues are being asked to put forward individuals or groups who they think deserve recognition for making a difference in their community.

The district council awards were launched two years ago to recognise and celebrate the exceptional contribution to the district made by countless residents – young and old. They cover everything from Service to Young People to Green/Environmental Award and new for this year Community/Village Hall of the Year for a community facility that delivers outstanding service to its user groups.

“We want to reward the positive – and often unnoticed – voluntary work undertaken by our residents who all work hard to ensure their communities are a nice place to live,” said Councillor Mrs Bridget Fortune, Portfolio Holder for Customer and Leisure Services.

“These individuals and groups work tirelessly for no pay, to provide excellent services, projects and experiences for their communities.  The awards will allow us to give them the praise they so richly deserve.  Please don’t be afraid to nominate a project, organisation or individual who you think is worthy of recognition, even if they were nominated last year.  We were delighted with the number of nominations last year – but we would love for the 2016 nominations to be even better.”

Nominations are open in ten categories:

Service to Young People Award:  for groups or individuals that have made a significant positive impact in young people’s lives above and beyond the call of duty    

Service to Older People Award: for groups or individuals that have made a significant positive impact in older people’s lives above and beyond the call of duty 

Service to Disability Award:  for groups or individuals that have made a significant positive impact in the lives of people with a disability above and beyond the call of duty

Parish Council of the Year: for Parish Councils, Town Councils or Parish Meetings that have gone above and beyond the call of duty to serve its community 

Community Group/Project of the Year: for voluntary or community groups that have excelled in its service to users, this award is for on-going day to day activity not for a one-off project.  

Green/Environmental Award: for individuals, groups or projects that encourages greener living.  Nominations need to demonstrate how they have made a positive impact on the environment.

Arts and Culture Award:  for individuals, groups or projects that has made an outstanding contribution to arts and cultural activities.  The activity must have improved participation in the arts and be able to demonstrate high quality arts experience. 

The Peter Davison Community Champion of the Year:  for an individual who is a shining light in a community, who has gone that extra mile and shows an exceptional commitment to their community.     

Young Citizen of the Year: for individuals aged 11 – 24 who have made a difference to other people’s lives. 

Community/Village Hall of the Year: for a community facility that delivers outstanding service to its user groups.

Any individual, group or organisation (public, private or voluntary sector) can make a nomination.  Forms are available www.hambleton.gov.uk/communityawards2016,  any Hambleton District Council leisure centre or from the council offices in Northallerton, Easingwold or Stokesley.

Alternatively contact Kate Staines or Lisa Wilson 01609 767203 / 01609 767149 

The closing date for nominations is 18 December 2015    Finalists will be invited to the awards ceremony due to take place 17 March 2016.

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By admin