• Thu. Dec 5th, 2024

North East Connected

Hopping Across The North East From Hub To Hub

Screen Shot 2015-10-20 at 15.51.29A North East law firm has proven commitment to its staff development plan by providing 24 members of the team with extensive training across disciplines in 2015 to date.

Gordon Brown Law Firm has harnessed the potential within its management team by providing official training to its solicitors, in addition to traditional legal training requirements.

Thirteen employees have succeeded in the Institute of Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) Leadership and Management Level 3 qualification already this year, with nine employees going on to complete a SFEDI Award in Social Media for Business Use. Benefits of the course include fast-tracking progression and targeting training to the precise needs of the future leaders of the firm.

In addition to this, Gordon Brown will also look to offer advanced opportunities to Level 5 ILM Diploma’s for individuals interested in developing their knowledge of the business arena in the near future.

Three younger employees have completed a first year of study with Damar Training. Receiving one of the highest marks in the country, Sophie Gray passed both exams with distinction and all three will go on to undertake undergraduate study in the legal realm over the coming years.

Deb Tweedy, HR Manager and head of Gordon Brown’s human resources consultancy, Hadrian HR, is currently undertaking a three year programme with Northumbria University to complete her Masters in Employment Law.

Following the successful completion of BSL Level I Sign Language legal secretary, Christine’s Pearson, has gone on to study BSL Level II Sign Language with Newcastle College.  Internal training will be rolled out across the business over the coming months, to those interested in learning the skill, making significant progress towards Gordon Brown’s fully accessible service pledge.

Other recent qualifications gained within the firm include the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) Level 4 Professional Distinction, Cilex Certification at Levels 3 & 6 in Family Law, Conveyancing and Commercial Property.

Gordon Brown Law Firm managing partner Kathryn Taylor said: “We’re taking the next step in reaching our goal to offer a fully accessible service. Investing in people is at the heart of our unique business model and as they continue to grow their skills portfolio, we continue to invest in them.

“Gordon Brown has always taken an employee-centric approach and we believe the more resources and knowledge our staff have, the more we can help our clients find clarity on their legal issues. It also empowers them to fee earn in their own right.”

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