A SCHOOL hall was transformed into a dragon’s den for a comical tale of fun and adventure.
The curtain rose on the Key Stage 2 performance at , the culmination of rehearsals and hard work by Years 3, 4, 5 and 6.
Pupils switched from Jubilee celebrations to stage practice to ensure a polished performance of the musical Dragon Days, by Sue and Paul Langwade.
Two packed audiences watched the Stumbledorf villagers seek a hero to protect them from a ‘terrifying’ dragon, who turns out to be misunderstood and finally saves them from an avalanche.
Principal Alison Sinclair said: “It was so lovely being able to share our performances with parents again and I certainly think they enjoyed two peerless performances.
“The musical allowed the whole of key stage 2 to rehearse and perform together and this mixing of age groups is important to their development. They all worked incredibly hard, teachers and children, and this resulted in a magnificent show. Feedback from those who were able to come and see the show has been tremendous.”