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Returning to the office: Why we are struggling to concentrate and tips to improve your focus


Apr 11, 2022 #workplace
An event which demystifies intellectual property (IP) and illustrates the potential positive and negative impact it has on businesses, is coming to the region next week.

A recent survey by Lenstore revealed that almost one in three Brits struggle to concentrate while working in the office, with one in four admitting they had a short attention span. 

Though many of us have enjoyed being reunited with our colleagues and favorite commuter coffee shops, transitioning from working at home to the office can be a big cultural shock. With this in mind, Lenstore has partnered with Psychotherapist Sarah Lee and counselor Hillary Sims to provide tips on avoiding distractions and maintaining focus when working in an office environment. 

Why are we struggling to concentrate as we return to the office? 

A change in routine can feel uncomfortable for many people, so it can be expected that individuals will need time to readjust to returning to the office, even if it was routine before. If you’re used to working at your kitchen table in relative quiet, returning to an open-plan office with lots of conversation can feel overwhelming. 

With many people still working remotely and hybrid working becoming increasingly more popular, we may have to rethink how we structure our workdays, perhaps with more complex work done at home where it is more likely to be quiet. It may be common for individuals to go through a period of feeling more distracted and less able to concentrate until they get used to being back in the office environment. 

7 tips to improve focus while returning to the office 

1. Tie your work to your energy levels 

If you’re more awake in the morning, focus on more challenging or unwanted tasks when your energy levels are high and leave easier or shorter jobs until after lunch when your energy is waning. 

2. Take regular breaks 

Make sure you take breaks and go outside, even if this is for 5 minutes. Take your full lunch break if possible and make this a priority, as taking breaks allows us to rest and recover.

3. Include exercise in your daily routine 

Getting some steps in throughout the day can be a great way to gain mental headspace. Exercise has many different benefits and is particularly helpful for depression, anxiety, and ADHD.

4. Don’t drop everything if someone asks for help

If it’s not critical, let them know that you’re not available right now, but you have time this afternoon for example. That way, you can concentrate on what you’re doing without needing to refocus. 

5. Set goals 

Writing down exactly what you want to achieve each day can be a constructive way to keep on track and hold yourself accountable. 

6. Consider other aspects of your life outside of work

You are unlikely to feel focussed on work if other areas of your life feel out of control. If you do not know what to do about these issues, consider seeking professional help. Therapy is not just for emergencies; it can help with better coping strategies and sorting through emotions too. 

7. Don’t be too hard on yourself 

Though being productive throughout the working day is crucial, it is important to remember that it is ok to talk to your co-workers. Being social is a fundamental part of work, but it is being aware of how much time you spend being distracted.

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