Iconic radio presenter, Alan Robson MBE, has claimed another award, his sixth at the prestigious New York Radio Awards.
Robson, presently in Jamaica, was awarded the 2018 accolade for ‘Best Personality’ for his prestigious Night Owls show, on Newcastle’s Metro Radio, whilst the station itself attained a bronze award for their on-air promotion ‘Get On The Air To Get In The Air,’ which sent listeners on fantastic holidays all over the world.
The NYF (New York Festivals) Radio Awards Gala, which took place at the Manhattan Penthouse in New York would see Night Owls see off some stiff opposition in this year’s category
Seen as being the biggest awards ceremony in the world, and highly regarded by both commercial and BBC stations, entries were submitted from well over 30 countries, this year’s NYF Radio Awards presenting an exceptionally strong competition, Alan Robson’s Night Owls winning GOLD for Best Radio Personality: Local Market.
“It’s been an incredible year and I am stunned and proud that the show is better than ever.
“Respect and love to everyone who has stuck with me over the years and I am honoured to take this massive award from my beloved Night Owls, the funniest, craziest, and kindest people who look after and entertain us every night.
“They are the best and we wish we could get an award for every one of them.
“The award would not have happened without my producer to the stars Tony McShane who keeps me right and tonight we start all over again.”
In produce Tony McShane, and the rest of the team at Metro Radio, Alan has a strong backbone in which to levy his Night Owls to a devout and loyal public who have stood by, tuned in, and enjoyed his show over the years.
The awards, for both Alan and the station, are testament to that loyalty and Tony McShane, Night Owls Producer at Metro Radio, added: “I produced this award entry and it was a really emotional one this year because of what happened in the Manchester Attacks.
“People called the show within thirty minutes of the explosions happening giving us updates throughout the night, a testament to how high the Night Owls regard Alan and the show.
“Plus, with the variety of calls we get across a year, and the help the show gives to the north-east, it’s a well-deserved accolade for the show as there is no other like it.
“Alan truly deserves this for the work he puts into this show and it’s an honour to be part of the team.
“The grand jury, which I am a member of, are based all over the world so to strike a chord with them and to get the highest honour is fantastic.”
To be a part of the now iconic Night Owls show on Metro Radio, tune in Sunday to Thursday between 10pm and 2am on 97.1FM and become a part of the legend.