North East Connected


Businesses in South Tyneside can benefit from investment funding and business support, including free business masterclasses.

Invest South Tyneside, South Tyneside Council’s business investment team, is signposting SMEs within the borough to funding sources and practical hands-on support to help business grow.

Councillor John Anglin, Lead Member for Regeneration and Economy, said: “The North East Fund is a £120 million investment programme with five funds available for qualifying SMEs within the borough, while the North East Business Support Fund can fund business improvement projects in small businesses.

“South Tyneside Council also works with businesses starting, re-locating to, or already within the Borough and supports them to achieve growth, create local jobs, make vital business links through networking, and develop the skills of their existing workforce through training.

“As part of this commitment, South Tyneside businesses are invited to take advantage of two free masterclasses running across three dates in October and November.”

The first, entitled ‘Top tips for using Excel – Business Masterclass’ is a half-day course that will be held at One Trinity Green in South Shields from 8.30 am to 12 pm on Friday 4th October.

Delivered by experienced Microsoft Training Consultant Lara Mellor of Lara Mellor Training and Consultancy, this interactive session is designed to help staff using Excel and working with large data volumes to work more effectively, reducing frustration, saving time and improving business efficiency.

‘Let’s Talk About Money’ is a 12-hour training course, hosted by Invest South Tyneside in collaboration with Digital Sparkles and NEL Fund Managers, to provide advice and tools to help small businesses get to grips with money. The training will be delivered as two full-day sessions on the 29 October and 5 November.

Jayne Hart launched her business, the HRDept, based at the Quadrus Centre in South Tyneside, in 2014. With the help of funding through the Small Loan Fund, part of the North East Fund the business has increased the number of small businesses they work with and employed new team members.

She describes the impact that these training and networking events have had on her own business: “For small business owners, having access to high quality training and networking opportunities like this on your doorstep is invaluable. They provide the opportunity to build personal skill sets and those of the business’ employees with new knowledge and techniques while at the same time developing your professional network.”

To find out more about Invest South Tyneside, or to book places on these events, please visit their website.

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