‘The Fourth Coming – How God Mathematics can put the world to rights’ is the new book by philosopher mathematician Francis Keith Robins.
In a time of dire need; as climate change, conflict, and economic upheaval imperil our existence and our mental well-being deteriorates; Francis Keith Robins introduces a groundbreaking approach to saving humanity – reshaping our thought processes through mathematics.
In his book, The Fourth Coming, Robins provides a detailed, step-by-step guide to unlocking our inherent mathematical potential. His vision is to create a society that is inclusive, equal, and peaceful – one that aligns with God’s desire for us. He advocates for a paradigm shift where shared mathematical models and systematic thinking supplant the ineffective classes of governments and institutions currently jeopardizing our planet. This revolutionary approach aims to alter the trajectory of human history in a manner that aligns with divine intentions.
Robins’ theories, described as works of ‘mathematical brilliance’, offer a refreshingly simple yet profound solution to consciousness – which, as noted by ‘New Scientist’, remains one of the most elusive and significant mysteries in science and philosophy. Furthermore, he concludes that the introduction of religion by God was a response to humanity’s failure to use their brains as He intended.
This was a temporary measure, in place until someone discovered the mathematical way of thinking. Robins is that man. Due to the chaotic nature of the world some people question the actual existence of God. This is because so few people follow, or even understand, the word of God Mathematics.
With Robins’ philosophical mastering of objectivity v subjectivity, this book shares an innovative and profound approach to solving the world’s problems using a form of mathematics [known as God Mathematics]. By breaking life into mathematical sets of 15 classes of knowledge (natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, etc.), every experience and every action can be placed within a robust objective framework. This removes the need for subjectivity and emotional responses, thus creating a more peaceful and egalitarian society.
As the world heads deeper into division (political, social, environmental, economic, etc.) and mistrust, the need for a new way for governments and those in power to stop jeopardising humanity is upon us. An example of how this might work using the principle of God Mathematics is for party politics to be replaced with transparent mathematical models which, when put into practice, would negate the need for debates to be held, as the outcomes would be based on a factual objective approach, not an emotional, subjective or biased approach.
Erudite, meticulous and bursting with his awe-inspiring thinking, Robins’ extraordinary and compelling recommendation of God Mathematics may be just what will save the day, and the planet.
The author says:
“My book aims to transform the workings of the world by eliminating the need to base decisions on perceptions, thereby enabling everyone to get on with living their lives. And when the need arises, to use set thinking and the 15 classes of knowledge to access reality.
“A key feature of this new level of consciousness relies on the sharing of relevant or connected mistakes and experiences in order that precautions can be put in place to prevent those same mistakes being made again either at country or individual level.
“I believe that by recognising this objective way of thinking, many of today’s mental health problems would be solved and the rudderless and anti-social behaviour of so many teenagers deterred. This mathematical thinking could also simply be applied to government policies, service industries and monopolies, e.g. water, railways etc.
“However, to maximise the potential of this new order, we need to change what children are taught in preparation for adulthood. I advocate that gaining this required knowledge should not be left to chance; a formalised education would provide a much-needed back stop. Examples of the level of education required are shared in my book.
“If the principles set out the book are taken on board it could change the course of history for the better.”
Published by Austin Macauley Publishers, The Fourth Coming is available to purchase in hardcover (ISBN No: 978-1035861880), paperback (ISBN No: 978-1035861873) and Kindle format on Amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fourth-Coming-Mathematics-World-Rights/dp/1035861879/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
About the author, Francis Keith Robins:
A philosophical and mathematical genius, Francis Keith Robins attributes his breakthroughs in consciousness, objective thinking strategies and the field of God Mathematics to his hypersensitive and hyperactive mind and a life lived through the lens of mathematical principles.
Robins graduated Bradford University with a mathematics degree and went on to work principally as an external auditor within the Civil Service and then as a member of the Audit Commission. He claims to have no religious tendencies but does believe in God. He lives in the Northwest of England and his favourite pastime is Bridge.