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North East Connected

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Time to Foster or Adopt?


Oct 4, 2016

STOCKTON-ON-TEES Borough Council is calling on people interested in adoption or fostering to come to an information event to find out more.

As part of National Adoption Week (17 to 23 October 2016), the Council is holding an informal session on Thursday 20 October 2016 at All Saints Academy in Ingleby Barwick between 6pm and 8pm.

Adopters and foster carers come from all walks of life and all kinds of people may have the commitment, skills and experience to offer a child a positive experience of family life.

Alison and her husband Mike adopted their daughter through Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council as a 6 year old in 1999. Their daughter is now nearly 24 years old and soon to be a mother herself.

Alison said: “Adopting our daughter has been the most rewarding experience of our lives – she’s given us so much joy. We’ve done our best to give love, support, tolerance and respect, and we’ve had it returned tenfold. During the past 18 years it’s fair to say we’ve been through some very challenging times together, but all three of us have got through with lots of support from agencies as well as friends and family.”

Last year Alison took early retirement from her full-time teaching job and looks forward to being a grandma to their daughter’s new baby.  “I would recommend adoption to anyone.  I just can’t imagine life without her and I wouldn’t change a thing.”

Councillor Ann McCoy, Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council’s Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, said: “We need adoptive parents and foster carers from all backgrounds and with all sorts of experience to give our looked after children a much needed home.

“Some people rule themselves out before making an enquiry because they think they may not be eligible. We urge interested people, whatever their circumstances, to come along to the information session or have an informal chat with a member of the Council’s Child Placement Team. If you think you have the right skills to help improve the life of a child or young person in Stockton Borough then please get in touch.”

Those who go forward with the process of adopting or fostering a child get professional support and guidance, comprehensive training and access to local support groups. Foster carers also receive a generous allowance to cover weekly costs.

Residents unable to attend but interested in finding out more about fostering and adoption should contact the Council’s Child Placement Team for an information pack.

To find out if you could be eligible to be an adoptive parent or foster carer, or for an information pack, please contact 01642 526218 or visit www.stockton.gov.uk/fosteringandadoption

By Emily