North East Connected



We are proud to announce The Top 100 Influential People 2023 is now accepting nominations. Click here to reveal the details of this brand new personal recognition programme.

Making the cut won’t be easy. Generally speaking, nothing worth having in life is.

For those who do make the Top 100, it will raise their profile, enhance their reputation and instil trust – that vital ingredient for success in all walks of life.

Not to mention the opportunity to use the prestigious Top 100 logo on their email sign-off, website, socials and other marketing collateral. It will also provide an invaluable platform to get their message out to the world.

Adjudicated by a heavyweight judging panel, Chaired by Lord Rami Ranger CBE, this prestigious programme is open to any worthy person based in the UK who is at the top of their game in one or more of the following areas:

Mark Llewellyn-Slade, Founder, Top 100 Influential people commented:

“I want this programme to evolve into an online centre of excellence. Populated by inspirational people and their stories, passions and beliefs. A place where people can go to find thought-provoking speakers for a particular event perhaps, or where journalists can source commentators for a media article. It’s really an extension of what we have been doing for some 15 years at sister company Awards Intelligence – helping worthy people to get the recognition they deserve via the Queen’s honours system and top flight business awards.”  

The entry deadline is 31 October 2022.

The inaugural Top 100 2023 list will be formally announced in early December 2022.

There will be exclusive invitations to Top 100 events along with the other honourees and the judges.

Find out more and nominate now. You can put forward a friend, family member or a business/community contact. They can’t nominate themselves so are reliant on you to make it happen.

If you are not sure if someone you have in mind stands a strong chance of success email us to arrange a free, honest assessment:

Here’s that link to the Top 100 website to get going.

Short on time and want to maximise your chances of success? Sister company, Awards Intelligence, can take care of the nomination drafting process for you. Contact and we will send you details.

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