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Two nutrients proven to stop your brain shrinking by up to 70% according to new research


New research shows that the combination of B vitamins and omega-3 are a dynamic duo against dementia, stopping the brain shrinking by over 70 per cent.

The discovery, hailed as “a major step towards Alzheimer’s prevention” was first made at the University of Oxford, but has now been confirmed by research groups in Holland, Sweden and China and a review of 14 studies just published (Feb 2023) in the British Journal of Nutrition. The combined research, which included a total of 4913 people who were followed up between 6 months and four years concluded “increasing intake of both nutrients benefits cognition in older adults compared to placebo.”[1]

Headed by Professor David Smith, former Chair of Pharmacology and Deputy Head of the Division of Medical Sciences at Oxford and director of the Oxford Project to Investigate Memory and Ageing (OPTIMA), the research has found that giving older people with the first signs of cognitive impairment, supplemental B vitamins (B6, B12 and folic acid), at higher levels than can be achieved through diet, to those with sufficient omega-3 fats produced 73% less brain shrinkage in a year, compared to placebo.[2]

This reduction brought brain shrinkage down to the level found in those elderly with no cognitive decline.[3] “The effect is greater than that of any drug treatment to date – with no adverse effects.” says Professor Smith. In contrast the recent trials of anti-amyloid drugs only show an insignificant reduced brain shrinkage of 4%.

Three other research groups, in Holland, China and Sweden, have confirmed the combined effect of omega-3 and B vitamins is far greater than either nutrient on its own.

In Holland, a major trial called B-proof found no benefit at all from the B vitamins in those with low omega-3 status, but a massive improvement in cognition in those with sufficient omega-3 levels.[4]

A Swedish trial that had given older people omega-3 fish oils but found no significant cognitive benefit reanalysed their results splitting the participants into thirds – from the lowest to highest B vitamin status. The group with sufficient vitamin B, indicated by a low level of blood homocysteine, showed three times the clinical improvement reported from the recent Lecanemab anti-amyloid drug trial.[5]

Meanwhile a trial in China gave those with pre-dementia either the B vitamin folic acid, or omega-3, or both, compared to placebo. Although B vitamin treatment and omega-3 treatment did slightly improve cognitive cores, the improvement was much greater in those given both these nutrients.[6]

China’s leading dementia prevention expert, Professor Jin-Tai Yu at Shanghai’s Institute of Neurology at Fudan University, carried out one of the most thorough reviews of all risk factors for Alzheimer’s to date concluding that[7] “Lowering blood homocysteine levels, an established indicator of Alzheimer’s risk, with B vitamins is a most promising treatment.”

He was also given access to the UK’s Bio Bank data of almost half a million people “Our current research, using data from the UK Bio Bank, shows that having higher blood levels  of omega-3, and supplementing fish oils, is associated with less risk of dementia. [8] Moreover, recent studies suggest these two factors – homocysteine lowering B vitamins, and omega-3 – may, in combination, be potentially more beneficial. They are easy to implement. This is worthy of further research.”

The US National Institutes of Health research confirms this, attributing almost a quarter (22%) of the risk for Alzheimer’s to lack of B vitamins and raised homocysteine levels and the same (22%) to a lack of omega-3 and seafood intake.[9] Almost half of all people over 65 have raised homocysteine[10] which increases risk for dementia by up to 10 times, according to Chinese research published last year[11].

Professors Yu and Smith are advisors to the Alzheimer’s prevention charity, Foodforthebrain.org. The charity is looking for volunteers to take their free on-line Cognitive Function test and Dementia Risk Index questionnaire, including B vitamins and omega-3, and have a pin prick blood test to determine their status.

“These are the two easiest, and evidence-based risk factors anyone can eliminate.” says Patrick Holford who directs the Food for the Brain Alzheimer’s Prevention project. “Brain shrinkage is the hallmark of Alzheimer’s, so this is a vital discovery. Right now the evidence suggests we could cut the average person’s risk of developing Alzheimer’s by up to two thirds and the number of people developing dementia by a third if these and other risk factors were targeted. This could save some 70,000 people a year in the UK from developing dementia. Now we need to test this in a real-life situation.”

If you’d like to test your cognitive function and find out how to reduce your risk visit Foodforthebrain.org and join their citizen science campaign.  There is a one minute film, on how to build new brain cells at any age, here: https://vimeo.com/736984663

About FoodForTheBrain.org

The Food for the Brain Foundation is a UK based charitable foundation that developed a fully validated Cognitive Function Test in 2012 and has so far tested 380,000 people. The test is available at www.foodforthebrain.org

The science behind Alzheimer’s Prevention comes from eight members of the charity’s Scientific Advisory Board – https://foodforthebrain.org/SAB/

Supporting References (with live links to the studies)

[1] Fairbairn, P British Journal of Nutrition,2023 129(3), 428-441.

[2] Jernerén F., et al. Am J Clin Nutr. 2015 Jul;102(1):215-21.

[3] Oulhaj A., et al. J Alzheimers Dis. 2016;50(2):547-57.

[4] van Soest APM., et al. Am J Clin Nutr. 2021 Apr 6;113(4):801-809.

[5] van Dyck CH., et al. N Engl J Med. 2023 Jan 5;388(1):9-21.

[6] Li M., et al. Eur J Nutr. 2021 Jun;60(4):1795-1808.

[7] Yu JT., et al. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2020 Nov;91(11):1201-1209.

[8] Huang Y., et al. Front Neurosci. 2022 Sep 7;16:910977.

[9] Beydoun MA., et al. BMC Public Health. 2014 Jun 24;14:643.

[10] Pfeiffer CM., et al. Clin Chem. 2008 May;54(5):801-13.

[11] Teng Z., et al. Front Aging Neurosci. 2022 Jul 15;14:868777.

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