North East Connected

Understanding the Importance of Saving Water at Home

Water is a universal necessity for all of us. We use it for a variety of purposes. From watering our plants to cleaning our stuff to drinking and bathing, it’s almost impossible to live a comfortable life without water. However, did you know that the amount of water we have is not infinite? In fact, there are places in the world that do not have access to drinkable and usable water. That’s why we need to do our part, and this article is your first step towards helping the world.

Why Conserve Water at Home?

70% of the entire Earth is covered with water. This sure does sound like it’s a lot, right? This makes us question why it is important to lessen our consumption of it. The thing about that is not all the water we can get from our planet is clean, let alone drinkable. We only have a finite amount of water resources for these purposes.

Despite 1/3 of the Earth being water, about 97.5% of this is saltwater, and only 2% is fresh. This means that to maximize the limited freshwater we have, we need to be responsible and mindful when using it. That’s because the whole world would have to share in the 2% we’ve mentioned earlier.

While there are plenty of projects and researches currently going on to stretch the limited resources we have and find another source of water for all our needs, conserving it is still the best option we have at the moment. This brings forth the question of how you can do your part in water conservation.

Conserving Water at Home

Water conservation should be a must for every household because it cuts a few dollars off your bill and helps in the global advocacy of conserving water. With that in mind, here are some tricks you can do to ensure that you’re not wasting a single drop of water.

Turn Off Faucets

This one is always on lists of water conservation tips, and you are probably tired of hearing this. We can’t stress enough how important it is to turn faucets off when not in use. If you’re not rinsing or washing anything, break the habit of letting the water run without actually using it for anything worthwhile.

Check for Leaks

Always make sure to check your pipes and plumbing system for leaks. You can actually consume up to 50 gallons of water every single day if a single pipe starts to leak. If you don’t know how to check for leaks, make sure that you call a professional to do it. Additionally, leaks may also become a breeding ground for mosquitoes, especially if the water gathers in a single spot. Make it a point to contact professional mosquito control services before having the leak repaired to ensure that your house is conserving water and safe from various diseases caused by this insect.

Reuse Your Water

Are you rinsing your vegetables or fruits on running water from the faucet? Don’t let the water go to waste and reuse it for other purposes. Use a bin or a canister and place it on the sink while you rinse your produce. Once you’ve done this, you can use the water for watering your garden and other stuff.

Cover Up Your Pool

Another tip on conserving water is covering up your swimming pool if you have one. Because of extreme heat, the water actually evaporates, and you would have to refill it with around 40% of its normal capacity. That being said, instead of wasting the water by letting it evaporate, be sure to cover up your pool.

Water by Hand

Some households use an irrigation system to water their garden. However, this process of watering uses around 33% more water as compared to manually watering your garden with a hose. Manually watering your plants is better for those who have small gardens at home.

Install Water-saving Components

We often spend a lot of time in the bathroom to clean ourselves. While hygiene is definitely important to our health, taking long showers can actually increase your water consumption. That’s why it’s important to find the perfect balance between these two. Thankfully, there are many water-saving bathroom components such as showers and toilets in the global market that would help you in this endeavor.

It is a well-known fact that we cannot live without water. While we do understand that regular consumption of it is inevitable, trying our best to conserve water will also bring immeasurable benefits not just to your but the world’s future as well. Ensure that you know the different ways you can help save the planet and our limited water resources.

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