Are you looking for ways to top up your monthly income? If so, there are many new and ingenious ways you can do this. The internet and the latest sharing economy sectors make it much easier to achieve this goal. Below are eight simple ways to top up your monthly income.
Parking Spaces and Garages to Rent
Parking spaces and garage spaces are always in high demand, especially close to major towns and cities. Companies like YourParkingSpace allow homeowners to rent out their unused off-street parking space or front driveway to motorists looking for somewhere to park.
All kinds of people are looking for different types of accommodation. Airbnb is one of the leading sharing economy companies that realised homeowners could make money by temporarily renting out their properties. This is particularly lucrative if you have a property in a popular location, it can actually often be more profitable to rent out your property to holidaymakers than to a full-time tenant.
Pet Sitting
Providers like DogVacay act as a contact between pet owners and pet sitters. As a pet sitter, you take care of a dog in your home while the owner is away. Each pet sitter keeps the pet owner updated about their pet by taking and sending photos of the dog each day.
Vehicle Rental
If you have a car that you’re not using all of the time, you could be losing out on a lot of money in rental charges each month. Companies like allow you to rent out your underused car to people who need to rent out a car for a short period. The risk associated with this service is reduced because these companies take care of the insurance rather than the person who owns the car.
Sell Online
As well as making extra money each week through sharing economy companies, you can take things into your own hands and set up an online store. Simple ecommerce solutions, such as Shopify, are available that make it extremely easy to sell different physical and digital products over the Internet.
Teach and Train
The Internet has opened up many different teaching and training opportunities that did not exist a few years ago. Video technologies, in particular, have made it much easier to pass on your knowledge to anyone, based anywhere, for a fee. Fiverr is a good starting point. You won’t earn much but it will allow you to hone your skills and help you decide whether online training is something you enjoy and would like to pursue further.
Anyone who works a full-time job could still be able to manage a blog that makes money each month. The more you blog, the better the results will be. You can promote your own online products or services, or you could advertise other people’s products and services for a commission. is a good place to create a visually appealing blog.
A wide range of businesses and individuals are continually looking for people to help them with various tasks. If you have a skill, it could be put to great use. Become a freelance writer, photographer, web developer, or virtual assistant – the possibilities are endless. Take a look at TaskRabbit and Upwork.
As you can see, there are many ways to top up your monthly income by helping people. The internet and many of the technologies available today make this even easier.