From the Durham Dales to the bright lights of Newcastle, it’s certainly turning into a meteoric rise for singer-songwriter, Holly Rees, who, on August 11, will release her second EP, Slow Down.
Bursting onto the music scene at the start of 2017 thanks to, of all things, her New Year’s resolution, Miss Rees, 25, quickly became established, garnering support not only of local radio shows, but also of BBC Introducing and BBC Radio 6 to name a few.
“My 2017 Resolution was to do things that scared me, so in January last year I went along to my first open mic night and soon realised it was something I loved,” began Holly.
“I was writing songs before that but just for myself really, and I didn’t have any plans to record or release anything.
“A very good friend of mine surprised me with a studio day in May last year and that became the Ilex EP (Holly’s debut offering consisting of four tracks).”
And from that small acorn grew the powerhouse she is just over twelve months later and, armed with her impending release, and a tour to boot, Holly is preparing to fly around Northern England with her very own Magpie tucked beneath her flighty wings.
Her Northern tour will see both Holly, and tour partner, Matt Dunbar (who is also releasing an EP), begin at Newcastle’s Head of Steam, on August 11, and will take on dates in York, Leeds, Sheffield, Manchester, Liverpool, Gargrave and Morpeth before finishing in Tynemouth on August 19 at the Surf Café.
“I can’t wait; I’m so excited to go on tour,” beamed Holly.
“I’ve never played most of these cities so I’m really excited to play to some new people in some new places.
“The Newcastle date is just going to be so much fun, on top of it being the EP launch party as we have some of my favourite North East musicians supporting us – This Little Bird who is just incredible, she’s just like a northern Joni Mitchell, and PICNIC are one of my all-time favourite live bands so I’m so excited to have them.
“I’ve worked with Matt a lot and he’s great.
“This is the first time I’ve really worked with a producer, and he’s been both patient and determined to get the best sound, which is exactly what I’d want in a producer, and I’m so pleased with how the EP sounds.”
The pair having also collab’d together on Matt’s EP, Holly having co-wrote and sang on one of the songs on his new EP, Your Place, which was released on July 27.
Now though it’s all about to get as real as it can for Holly who insists that she: “Just wants to write more, record more, tour more.
“This is definitely just the beginning really.”
Slow Down, the second EP from Holly Rees, is available on August 11 when she, and Matt Dunbar, perform a special set at Newcastle’s Head of Steam – tickets are available from priced £5.50 (inc. fees) and you can follow her via her website