• Tue. Feb 25th, 2025

North East Connected

Hopping Across The North East From Hub To Hub

Age UK Northumberland Invest in Team

A leading charity that strives to ensure that older people thrive in later life has made a move to ensure that they are ahead of the game when it comes to staff knowledge.  

Age UK Northumberland has appointed JB Skills Training Ltd, an award winning training company that has a specialist care department, to ensure that all new and existing home care staff are well invested in.

JB Skills is onboard to deliver training inductions for all new members of staff. The induction sessions are run on a monthly basis and run for two weeks at a time, ensuring that new members to the team can be confident in processes and delivery from the word go.

At the same time as the first round of inductions, all 243 existing staff were also taken through a refresher course and received the most up to date training in all mandatory training units in Health and Social Care.

Dave Macmillan, managing director of JB Skills, said:

“It is incredibly rewarding to work with such a high profile charity who are so intent in making sure they meet all requirements and which supports their staff in such a vigorous way. The program has been collated and devised alongside Age UK Northumberland’s CEO Helen Mills. The joint effort means that the investment is seeing immediate returns for both the team and the charity as a whole.”

Helen, who has been post as CEO for just over a year now, is committed to the people that make Age UK Northumberland services happen. She said:

“Whilst there is a requirement that all members of home care are inducted and trained, it is very important to me that it is done in a way where we create opportunity and invest in them and the service further. The fact that JB Skills could deliver this for us, and that it is funded so actually costs the charity very little, is the icing on the cake. I would also like to thank Gareth Massey who delivers the package on behalf of JB Skills.”

Age UK Northumberland looks after thousands of older people in their own homes across the entire county. More information on the services provided or job opportunities to join the team are available at www.ageuk.org.uk/northumberland/. More information on training and bespoke packages from JB Skills Training is available at www.jb-skillstraining.co.uk

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