We know people who’d love a HenPal
Our HenPower Project combines creativity and hen-keeping to help improve wellbeing and reduce loneliness among people living in care.
Many of the care homes we support with creative workshops have closed their doors to visitors to help keep residents safe and well.
We know people who’d love to read your letters and hear from you as part of our HenPower HenPals scheme.
Please put pen to paper and chat about you and your world. You could send a poem or a drawing. Think about the things that you’d like to hear to cheer you up and keep you connected.
Angela Hedley is the activities coordinator at The Oaks in Blyth, one of the care homes taking part after having to close it’s door to visitors.
She said: “Letters and drawings like the ones we’ve received from make such a difference as residents are missing their families and are feeling it. It’s been incredibly hard these past few weeks.
“HenPals is a great way of letting residents and staff here know people are thinking about them, it gives us a link to the community outside which is fantastic.”
Write your letter, drawing or poem, take a photo of it or scan it and send it to us at henpals@equalarts.org.uk
Of course you can always just write your letter straight into an email!
We’ll share your letters with people living in care.