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North East Connected

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Giving TO’sday – Digging in rather than diggin deep


Oct 22, 2018

 Giving Tuesday 27th November 2018

Each year the Christmas frenzy begins with coverage of crazy savings to be made by grabbing a bargain, and a black eye maybe, on Black Friday.  Giving Tuesday, a global event aimed at combating the materialism that surrounds this time of year, aims to do something different, to encourage people to get involved with a cause they want to help, in any way they like.  Tyneside Outdoors (TO) are a registered official partner of Giving Tuesday and are asking people to help them more people outdoors, maybe by getting outdoors themselves at one of two events?

BMX Dirt Track Heritage Project – Work Day, Giving Tuesday, 27th November, 10am to 4pm.

Gerard New, Youth and Community Worker with Tyneside Outdoors said “We’re not asking people to dig deep into their pockets but to dig in with some work clearing an old BMX Dirt Track in Temple Memorial Park South Shields.  We have a massive challenge ahead of us this winter to clear decades of brambles and other overgrown vegetation that have almost smothered the track out of existence.”  The Heritage Lottery funded BMX Heritage Project is engaging young people in research to find out the history of the BMX Track built in Temple Park sometime in the 1980’s.  TO are asking local people and organisations to help clear the track of vegetation so that the young people, assisted by an archaeologist, can start the process of measuring and recording the track.  Marc Barkman Astles, Archaeologist from Archaeosoup Productions said “despite it only being created in the 1980’s it’s surprisingly difficult to find people who know much about the track or how and when it was built.”

TO are providing all the tools and safety equipment for the work, which has been described as heavy gardening work.  Gerard New said “The work is hard graft but is very rewarding, especially when you find a tyre, marking the edge of the track, that hasn’t been seen in 20 years.

TO have set up a Facebook Event https://www.facebook.com/events/249395775735093/ where people can get more information on how to get involved.

The group also has a YouTube video showing the work on the track in more detail. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvQIG5Tb2Ao&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR0hkIRFrC6xleyC9aplpZjFCejqd1uwFxotjpFuqnoXxDLOxiJGoTnjCBc )

An evening ‘Tea for TO’ in Hodgkin Park, in the dark! Giving Tuesday, 27th November 6pm to 8pm 

TO don’t do coffee mornings!  We do ‘Tea for TO’ !!  It’s a bit like a coffee morning but with Tea, for TO.  This event will be run with the help of our West End Outdoors Youth Group, a weekly youth group that gets outdoors and active every week.  For them it really is Giving TO’sday!  There will be tea, of course, and cake, of course, but also games and other activities to join in with, including some firm favourites organised by the group themselves.  The youth group are encouraging people to come along and join in or simply show their support for the group online, maybe by encouraging others to come along and join in, or by donating on the group’s own fundraising page https://mydonate.bt.com/events/outwest

Gerard New, one of the group’s youth workers said, “We’d love it if people could come along and take part.  We know it’s dark in the park at this time of year and it will also be cold, however, we still aim to have a fun time and at least there’ll be Tea to keep us warm!”  The group have also produced a short video inviting people to the event (https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=i4ye8bWotEY&fbclid=IwAR0OXpkNp0iMngOiUoP0_4f2jLQZ4mrmQ67NcYE-_qOBZe5TV7El3eS5D4I&app=desktop )

How to get involved

TO are offering the events for free and there’s no need to book, just let them know your coming, especially if you’re coming to ‘dig in’! or bringing cake!

Anyone who wants more information about the event or how to get involved can get in touch with Tyneside Outdoors through their website www.tynesideoutdoors.org.uk or through social media.






Editors Notes:

Tyneside Outdoors is a registered charity (Reg No.1156445) which aims to help people from disadvantaged areas of Tyneside access, enjoy and learn from the outdoors.  The BMX Dirt Track Project has received £38,900 from Heritage Lottery Fund to support young people to explore the heritage of the BMX Dirt Track in Temple Memorial Park, South Shields.

BMX (Bicycle Motor Cross) began in the USA in the 1970’s and came to the UK shortly after.  BMX Racing was recognised as an Olympic sport in 1993 and made its debut at the 2008 Beijing Games.

TO’s West End Outdoor Youth Group take place every Tuesday 6 – 9pm and is open to young people 11 – 16 living in West Newcastle.

Further information:

Email – info@tynesideoutdoors.org.uk

Website – www.tynesideoutdoors.org.uk

Twitter  – @tyneoutdoors

Facebook – Tyneside Outdoors

Tel. 07554127228