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How Apprenticeships Have Changed for the Better in the Past Decade

ByDave Stopher

Jun 11, 2018

Have you been eyeing an apprenticeship but aren’t sure it’s the right path for you? Have you heard negatives stories in the past that have made you second-guess what you want to do? It’s no secret that apprenticeships haven’t always had the best reputation in the UK, but things have changed. In fact, there are many ways that apprenticeships have changed for the better in the past decade, which are making them well worth considering.

Much of the changes can be attributed to the new Apprenticeship Levy and Apprenticeship standards, which is changing the approach by businesses and really helping to give them that jumpstart they need to consider taking on apprentices. There are still many businesses that are in the process of learning about the new Apprenticeship Levy and discovering it is nothing to fear. Rather, it is to be celebrated thanks to the opportunities it can bring.

HR Teams Are Now Ready to Take on the Task of Finding Apprentices

Where it used to be that HR departments may not have wanted to go to the trouble of hiring an apprentice, today, times have changed. The Apprenticeship Levy does make for more paperwork for businesses, but this doesn’t seem to be swaying HR teams from taking on apprentices. They are realising that this is a very effective way to find those who want to learn new skills in the workplace and put in the work required.

Loyalty Is Being Recognised

What businesses are also learning is just how loyal an apprentice can be. When their apprenticeship ends, they aren’t looking to grab their stuff and leave. Rather, they are looking for a way to find a job within the company.

From a business’s standpoint, this is a great option as they won’t have to worry about integrating that person into the company, training them, teaching them about the company’s brand/offerings/and customers, and basically introducing them to how things are run. Instead, they can move them into a permanent position in a relatively easy manner that doesn’t result in downtime or lost income.

Apprenticeship Standards Have Never Been Easier to Access and Understand

There has never been an easier time to access apprenticeship standards and details, which is making the path clearer and more focused for apprentices. City & Guilds apprenticeship standards have played a large role in helping to shape the framework of today. City & Guilds has worked with all kinds of industry experts to put together the new standards that are being followed across the board.

A Variety of Well-Paid Apprenticeships

Usually, people associate apprenticeships with low pay, which can make it impossible for many to go ahead. Again, times have changed and now you’ll find there are a number of apprenticeships that are paying much more reasonable salaries. Take, for example, financial services apprenticeships that have a starting pay before tax of £15,000 to £21,996. Compare that to the hospitality industry where starting pay is more around the £8,000 mark and you’ll see a noticeable difference.

And it’s not just financial services apprenticeships that are offering better pay, there are also business and accountancy apprenticeships, legal apprenticeships, creative or digital marketing apprenticeships, and computer hardware apprenticeships. Each of these can be found across the UK, making for a number of great opportunities for those who are interested.

Now Is the Time

If you’ve been on the fence about moving forward with an apprenticeship or unsure if this is the right time, it’s important to take a look at just how much has changed for the better in the last decade.