• Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

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How Does Auto-Enrolment Affect Part-Time and Temporary Workers in Ireland?

ByDave Stopher

Sep 20, 2024

Auto-enrolment in Ireland in 2024 is a significant change on the horizon for Ireland’s pension system, designed to ensure that more workers have access to retirement savings. While the primary focus has been on full-time employees, part-time and temporary workers also stand to be affected by this new system. 

If you fall into either of these categories, you may be wondering how auto-enrolment will impact your financial future. This blog will explore what auto-enrolment means for part-time and temporary workers in Ireland, and what you need to know to prepare.

What Is Auto-Enrolment?

Auto-enrolment is a government initiative aimed at increasing pension coverage among workers in Ireland. Under this system, employees will be automatically enrolled in a pension scheme, with both the employer and the government making contributions alongside the employee’s own contributions. 

The goal is to provide more workers with a secure financial foundation for retirement, especially those who might not have access to a pension scheme through their job.

Auto-enrolment is expected to begin rolling out in Ireland in 2024, with the system being phased in over several years.

Eligibility for Auto-Enrolment

One of the key questions for part-time and temporary workers is whether they will be eligible for auto-enrolment. According to the current proposals, the system will apply to employees who meet the following criteria:

  • Aged between 23 and 60 years.
  • Earning over €20,000 per year.
  • Not already enrolled in a workplace pension scheme.

How Does Auto-Enrolment Impact Part-Time Workers?

Part-time workers are a diverse group, including those who work reduced hours by choice and those balancing multiple jobs. Here’s how auto-enrolment may affect them:

  1. Eligibility Based on Earnings: One of the most important factors for part-time workers is the €20,000 annual earnings threshold. If you earn below this amount, you won’t be automatically enrolled in the pension scheme. However, if your income from all employment sources exceeds €20,000, you’ll be eligible, even if your earnings from each individual job are lower.
  2. Multiple Part-Time Jobs: If you have multiple part-time jobs, each employer may enrol you in their pension scheme if your combined income exceeds the threshold. This could result in contributions from multiple employers, increasing your overall pension savings.
  3. Voluntary Opt-In: If your earnings are below €20,000, you won’t be automatically enrolled, but you may have the option to opt into the scheme voluntarily. This allows you to benefit from the employer and government contributions, even if you don’t meet the income threshold.

How Does Auto-Enrolment Affect Temporary Workers?

Temporary workers, such as those on short-term contracts or seasonal jobs, also need to understand how auto-enrolment could impact them:

  1. Short-Term Contracts: If you’re employed on a temporary contract but meet the age and earnings criteria, you’ll be auto-enrolled in a pension scheme. Even if your employment is short-term, contributions made during your contract period will still count towards your retirement savings.
  2. Continuity of Pension Contributions: For those who move frequently between temporary jobs, maintaining continuity in pension contributions can be challenging. The auto-enrolment system is designed to be portable, meaning your pension can move with you as you switch employers. This portability ensures that even with irregular work patterns, your retirement savings can continue to grow.
  3. Opting Out: Like all workers, temporary employees will have the option to opt out of the auto-enrolment scheme after a minimum period (likely around six months). However, opting out means missing out on the employer and government contributions, which can be a significant loss, especially for those in temporary roles.

Contributions Under Auto-Enrolment

Auto-enrolment involves contributions from three sources: the employee, the employer, and the government. Here’s a brief overview of how contributions will work:

  • Employee Contribution: You’ll be required to contribute a percentage of your gross income to the pension scheme. This percentage will gradually increase over the first decade of the scheme’s implementation.
  • Employer Contribution: Your employer will match your contributions up to a certain limit, which helps boost your overall pension pot.
  • Government Contribution: The government will also contribute a portion to your pension savings, enhancing the value of your retirement fund.

The Benefits of Auto-Enrolment for Part-Time and Temporary Workers

Auto-enrolment provides several key benefits for part-time and temporary workers:

  1. Increased Pension Coverage: Many part-time and temporary workers in Ireland currently lack pension coverage. Auto-enrolment aims to close this gap, ensuring that more workers have a secure financial future.
  2. Employer and Government Contributions: By participating in the scheme, you benefit not only from your own contributions but also from additional contributions made by your employer and the government. This can significantly increase your retirement savings over time.
  3. Portability of Pensions: The auto-enrolment system is designed to be flexible and portable, which is particularly beneficial for workers with irregular employment patterns. Your pension fund can follow you from job to job, making it easier to accumulate savings.


Auto-enrolment is set to bring significant changes to the pension landscape in Ireland, and part-time and temporary workers stand to gain considerably from this initiative. By ensuring that more workers are included in pension schemes, auto-enrolment helps secure a better financial future for everyone, regardless of their employment status.

If you’re a part-time or temporary worker, it’s important to stay informed about the upcoming changes and understand how auto-enrolment will impact your pension planning. As the system rolls out, consider seeking financial advice to make the most of the opportunities it offers and ensure you’re on track for a comfortable retirement.