• Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

North East Connected

Hopping Across The North East From Hub To Hub

intu Metrocentre spins a yarn to combat loneliness

Knitting needles at the ready as intu Metrocentre encourages shoppers to support The Big Knit for Age UK.
On 3 March intu Metrocentre is hosting The Big Knitathon in Town Square, near House of Fraser, to launch the Big Knit for Age UK Gateshead and Age UK Northumberland. Volunteers from both branches of the charity will be on hand with wool and knitting needles teaching wannabe-knitters the basics, highlighting the importance of The Big Knit campaign and inviting nimble-fingered shoppers to knit little hats for a very worthy cause!
The Big Knit is a national campaign that started in 2003 when Innocent Drinks asked people to knit little woolly hats to go on the top of their smoothie bottles – for each drink sold Innocent makes a donation of 25p to Age UK.
So far the people of the UK have knitted an astonishing 6 million hats, raising over £2 million for Age UK which has helped to fund activities at local Age UK centres including lunches and dance classes where people can socialise and make new friends.
Age UK Gateshead and Age UK Northumberland are two independent charities and brand partners of Age UK. This year the two local branches have teamed up to raise a greater awareness of the Big Knit and loneliness in the region.
The two local charities have set themselves a target of 30,000 little hats, which would raise £7,500 to help combat loneliness in older people in the region. Money raised will be split between Age UK Gateshead and Age UK Northumberland and will help fund befriending services and activities that will reduce loneliness in those areas.
Knitting groups are welcome to join in the fun at The Big Knitathon with their own needles, wool and wealth of knitting knowledge. Knitting patterns will also be on hand to give people a little creative inspiration and there’ll even be hat-themed colouring in for children who want to be involved but haven’t mastered the art of knitting quite yet.
As well as The Big Knitathon intu Metrocentre will be hosting knit and natter hours over the next few months to encourage shoppers and retailers to get involved in the campaign.
Shoppers will be able to drop their knitted hats at any customer service desk in centre from the launch of The Big Knit until October. Handing them in to intu Metrocentre, ensures that funds raised will support local people who need it most.
Staff from the shopping centre will be using some of their volunteering days to spread the joy of knitting, from encouraging young people to develop a new skill to helping people at intu Metrocentre’s charity of the year, Dementia Care, to rediscover the joy of a hobby from years gone by.
Clare Cannon, community manager, intu north east, said:
We’re delighted to support The Big Knit – it’s a fantastic campaign which works to combat loneliness on multiple levels. Not only does it bring people together through knit and natter groups and events like The Big Knitathon but it raises funds which go back into the region to further strengthen the bonds of the local community with lunch clubs, befriending services and exercise classes.
With our shoppers’ help we’re hoping to hit a target of 1000 hats to add to the regional total – so we’re encouraging everyone to dig out their knitting needles and get knitting!”
Rachel Todd from Age UK Northumberland, said:
Research by Age UK shows that loneliness is a real problem for older people in the North East. We know that chronic loneliness can be alleviated by society and self-help and our organisations have put loneliness front and centre as a core issue to tackle.
By teaming up with Age UK Gateshead and intu Metrocentre we hope to make a bigger impact – increasing awareness and raising funds to improve the quality of life of older people in the region.”
Julie Latimer from Age UK Gateshead, added:
The Big Knitathon is the launch of the Big Knit for Age UK Gateshead and Age UK Northumberland but that isn’t the end of the knitting!
The local launch campaign will run until October, awaiting a new national campaign, so whether you knit at home or in a group, we’d encourage you to support this wonderful cause which helps to provide vital services to help people enjoy later life.”
The Big Knitathon: Saturday 3 March, 9 am – 6 pm, Town Square, near House of Fraser
If keen knitters are looking for a little inspiration, knitting patterns can be found at: www.thebigknit.co.uk/knitting-patterns
Age UK Northumberland and Age UK Gateshead have collection points for the hats and can collect large amounts of hats if needed. For more information, contact 01670 784 800 / 0191 477 3599.

By admin