• Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

North East Connected

Hopping Across The North East From Hub To Hub

Latest grants awarded by Ryedale District Council

Ryedale District Counil approved a further 5 grants at its Policy and Resources meeting last week.

A £20,722  Flood Grant was awarded to Norton on Derwent Town Council towards the cost of a new pump to be deployed in Norton when flood warnings are in place, particularly to prevent ground water and sewerage flooding.

Ros Tierney, Town Council Clerk said

“In partnership with local people,  neighbouring Malton and  other local authorities and Government agencies, we will create a Community Resilience Team and Emergency Action Group to deploy the pumps. All volunteers and staff will be given full training so that we  are fully prepared and can work together as a team.”

A further £117,000 was awarded for Public Open Space and Recreation grants, funded by the ‘S106 Developer Contributions.’

Successful applicants were

Lady Lumley’s School – £78,000 for the replacement for the Astro Turf Pitch

Sherburn Playing Fields Association – £10,000 towards ground maintenance equipment

Slingsby Sports Field – £20,000 towards resurfacing the tennis courts.

Norton Town Council – £9000 towards new equipment at the Skatepark.

Cllr Ives, Chair of the approving committee was pleased to award the grants, stating that “Policy and Resources Committee is starting to spend the S106 sums with great impact on the community, serving the purpose for which they were intended.”

The next round of grants will be awarded in March 2018, with a closing date of 5th January 2018. Further information regarding how to apply is available on the Ryedale District Council, website – search Community Grants.