A former Assistant Chief Constable at Cleveland Police and Borough Commander of Stockton District, Mr Pickard is also Chair of Hartlepool Safeguarding Children Board.
The Safer Stockton Partnership works to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour, prevent substance misuse and reduce fear of crime and disorder across Stockton Borough.
The partnership is made up of elected members of Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council, Cleveland Police, Cleveland Fire Authority, the probation service and a broad range of voluntary and community groups.
Mr Pickard said: “”I am both honoured and delighted to undertake the role of the Chair of the Safer Stockton Partnership. I am excited at the opportunity to work with the members of the Board, partners and the community to continue to make a positive difference to those living in, working in and visiting Stockton Borough.”
Councillor Steve Nelson, Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council’s Cabinet Member for Access, Communities and Community Safety, said: “The Safer Stockton Partnership is successful because of the way many different services and organisations come together to make the Borough a safer place. With Dave’s experience, skills and knowledge he will be a strong asset to the partnership.
“Our thanks go to Geoff Lee who has successfully chaired the partnership since 2005 – Stockton has continued to be the safest Borough in the Tees Valley and I am sure that Dave will continue this good work to see crime and the fear of crime reduced across the Borough.”
To report a crime contact Cleveland Police on 101 (non-emergency) or 999 (emergency). You can also report crime anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. Anyone witnessing anti-social behaviour in Stockton Borough can also contact Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council’s anti-social behaviour line on 01642 607943.
For more information about the Safer Stockton Partnership, visit www.saferstockton.com