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Students vote to stay in the EU


Mar 30, 2016 #European Union

Screen Shot 2016-03-29 at 21.54.55SIXTH formers have been debating the pros and cons of Europe in an initiative designed to raise political awareness.

In a referendum that followed, students at Richmond School and Sixth Form College voted to stay in the EU by a huge majority

A ballot showed 78 per cent wanted to stay while 22 per cent opted to leave the European Union.

As a farmer’s son head boy Chris Gill outlined arguments for staying in. He said: “From a farming point of view a lot of our exports go to Europe and trade might be hit if we leave.

“Thanks to free trade with Europe there are no taxes, tariffs or regulations to worry about and there are around 3.5m jobs linked to the EU, one in ten of which might be hit if we left. I would also be worried about the future of large scale employers like Nissan and Hitachi if we left.”

Student Caitlin Martin also offered an overview of the issue but again came down on the side of staying in the EU, albeit a reformed one.

“If we left there would be economic uncertainty at a time when we need immigration for our labour market,” she said. “The current cultural diversity also has real benefits as does free access to health care when we are abroad.”

Sixth form lead learning manager Sally Byrom added: “The debate and referendum proved to be an excellent exercise in prompting our students to consider an important issue that will affect their lives.

“The level of research and quality of debate was exceptional and I think we all have a much clearer understanding of the question as a result.”

By admin