• Thu. Jan 9th, 2025

North East Connected

Hopping Across The North East From Hub To Hub

Velo29Top cyclists will battle it out on the streets of County Durham as the Velo29 race returns for 2016.
Having already welcomed thousands of spectators for the Pearl Izumi Tour Series’ visit to Durham City, fans of pedal powered sport can now look forward to more fast and furious
action, on the streets of Bishop Auckland.
Cllr Maria Plews, Durham County Council’s cabinet member for leisure, libraries and lifelong learning, said: “We are thrilled to welcome back the Velo29 cycle races to Bishop
Auckland for a third year
“As we know the town centre course lends it’s self perfectly to exciting sporting action, with
a combination of wide open sections, fast and technical corners and narrow more
challenging roads.
“And I’m sure, as in previous years, that the event will be a great draw for both pro-cyclists
and families alike.”
The Velo29 event will take place on Thursday 18 August, with a youth race starting at
6.45pm and the senior race beginning at 8pm.
Competitors will race around a 1km circuit at speeds of up to 60km per hour, completing
laps in around 90 seconds.
The race is free to attend and families are encouraged to go along and cheer the riders on.
As well as the main Velo29 event there will be other entertainment, including a BMX pump
track for young riders, world champion stunt rider Matti Heamings and a public “Alpe
d’Heuz” bike challenge.
Before the race, at 5.15pm, there will also be a free family fun ride – suitable for all ages
and abilities – which has been organised by the council in partnership with Bishop
Auckland Area Action Partnership and Bishop Auckland Town Council.
As this is an Olympic year, everyone taking part is invited to come along in their “Rio”
All bicycle types are welcome, including scooters, balance bikes, traditional bikes and
trailers – with goodie bags given to everyone that takes part.
To register in advance call 03000 282 012 or email ns.sportadmin@durham.gov.uk. It will
also be possible to register for the fun ride on the evening itself.
For more information visit www.durham.gov.uk/cyclingevents or visit velo29events.co.uk

By admin