Vicki Renz published today a beautiful journal to support mothers going through the trauma of miscarriage.
- Healing Journal for After Miscarriage is a thoughtfully created journal for women to write down their thoughts, feelings and emotions. A form of outlet, an important part of the healing journey after loss.
- The depth of feeling shown in the cover of the journal makes it the perfect gift of solace for after miscarriage.
- The journal contains guidance explaining the healing that journaling brings, taking women through prompts to help feelings and emotions to flow.
When asked about her book, Vicki said “healing really matters. Journaling is an effective healing outlet which is often overlooked. The power of our own words when used with an understanding of how to journal, really helps women to process their emotions. Having a journal specifically for after miscarriage is comparable to talking things through in a private space.”
She continued, “what’s more, it’s a beautiful gift to give to show that you care, especially when it’s a struggle to know what to say to someone.”
An estimated 23 million pregnancies end in miscarriage globally each year. A shockingly high number for a topic which is hardly talked about. Sadly, at least 50% of women suffer in silence which destroys their confidence, with 1 out of 10 cases leading to severe depression.
Recent research in The Lancet report states that more help should be offered to women starting from their first miscarriage. Most women have to wait until three miscarriages until they qualify for thorough fertility testing and advice. The Lancet suggests pre-conception support should be offered to women and more early pregnancy surveillance.
This is a huge step forward and reform for handling of miscarriage needs to be pushed. As The Lancet report states, “The era of telling women to ‘just try again’ is over.”
Oh My Mama Body is passionate about creating a world where miscarriage is recognised and healing happens. Guiding women to find their inner-strength and feel supported instead of suffering silently with feelings of guilt and inadequacy.
- 50% of women prefer to remain silent and not mention their miscarriage. Miscarriage is shrouded by feelings of shame, guilt and unworthiness. Women feel alone, like a shadow of their previous self. Putting on a brave face but falling apart on the inside.
- 20% of women choose counselling or therapy but find that they are not understood. Their therapist has not been through the pain of miscarriage and is unable to empathise. Unfortunately causing even more distress.
- 30% search the internet for support groups where they feel supported but at the same time are not offered effective healing techniques.
As well as giving birth to two healthy boys, Vicki experienced five miscarriages and knows how distressing it is to feel like nothing can help with the healing.
1 out of 10 women who contact Vicki at Oh My Mama Body after experiencing early pregnancy symptoms, end up miscarrying. With lockdowns in place during 2020 and 2021, Vicki has seen hundreds of women contacting her on YouTube with pregnancy worries. The internet is a place to ask questions about the taboo and Vicki has a platform for providing answers and support.
Vicki is making huge steps forward in breaking the silence, stigma and shame around miscarriage. She has recorded two episodes with the TryingAgain podcast and a further two with LoveAfterLoss podcast. Furthermore, she recently received coverage in Juno magazine, Pick Me Up! magazine and The Independent.
Vicki spent hundreds of hours studying healing techniques to help her recover from miscarriage. Now she uses the same techniques to support and guide women on their healing after miscarriage journeys.
- She has created an online, self-paced course, guiding women in their own time on their pathway through grief to wholeness.
- She has further developed a Pathway to Wholeness programme, an in-depth one-to-one transformational healing journey.
- Furthermore, Vicki invites women to join her supportive Healing After Miscarriage Group on Facebook which contains a free vault of resources and techniques for after miscarriage.
Women who have taken Vicki’s course and programme experience deep, transformational healing around their pain of loss. Vicki understands the cycle of grief and uses individualised healing techniques to optimise the healing journey of each woman so that they feel confident and empowered.
Vicki’s “Oh My Mama Body” YouTube channel is growing fast, heading towards 10,000 subscribers and has over 1 million views already. In response to the hundreds of comments Vicki receives, she has started creating videos to answer common questions. Vicki aims to have a reliable source of information covering early pregnancy and miscarriage to really help women understand their bodies.
Link to order journal:
Background and Biography – Vicki Renz Oh My Mama Body
Oh My Mama Body is a trusted platform and specialist portal for women, addressing symptoms during pregnancy, postpartum and miscarriage. Providing concise answers to women concerning their bodily symptoms during this time.
With close to 3500 subscribers on YouTube, 2000 followers on Instagram and 500 on Facebook, Oh My Mama Body is rapidly growing. Vicki Renz’s coaching sessions for Healing After Miscarriage are already booked up in November, with 5 dedicated, private sessions per week.
The wellbeing of women is vital especially whilst they navigate their emotional journey of loss. Oh My Mama Body cares about each and every woman, nurturing them and guiding them to feel positive and empowered in their individual journeys. Oh My Mama Body serves women by making them the focus of attention and talking openly about taboo topics.
Vicki Renz, founder of Oh My Mama Body, was really in tune with her bodily symptoms and changes during her seven pregnancies. She uses her knowledge and experiences as a source of strength and support for others. With her extensive knowledge of online business, Vicki has created a platform to best serve the demands of modern mums.
The comprehensive Oh My Mama Body platform includes:
– and easy to navigate website with content covering explanations for pregnancy & postpartum symptoms, advice and tips. Saving women time with concise written explanations and short explanatory videos.
– Mama Time – a free weekly webinar with qualified midwives, expert speakers and networking for mums. Supporting women with online access to expert advice and direct answers to questions. Including a Facebook group for additional daily support.
– Oh My Mama Body YouTube Channel with explanatory videos and meditations.
– Healing After Miscarriage. In depth coverage of miscarriage from types of miscarriage through to surviving miscarriage. Vicki Renz, a multiple miscarriage survivor, coaches women to work through their grief and confidently shine again following miscarriage.
– Healing After Miscarriage offers online courses, one to one coaching and a free Facebook group for ongoing support.
– Mama Mentoring. Access to online courses to nurture and develop women in pursuing their passions.
Oh My Mama Body places a huge amount of value on saving time for the modern busy mother. By making her advice and tips available across Social Media platforms, Oh My Mama Body is readily available for mothers on the go.
Vicki Renz believes it is vital for mothers to have access to concise, quality information at their fingertips. She believes it is important to provide authentic and empathetic advice, honouring each woman on their journey to motherhood.
Vicki Renz is Founder and Director of Oh My Mama Body, the specialist portal for women, addressing symptoms during pregnancy, postpartum and miscarriage.
Responsible for the company’s three divisions; Mama Body, Mama Time and Healing After Miscarriage. Vicki manages strategies to make information readily available for the busy modern mum. Vicki brings authenticity and empathy in her approach to supporting and nurturing women. Enabling women to enjoy their pregnancies, precious time with their newborns and feel understood when they have suffered a msicarriage.
Following a successful corporate career as a Quality and Risk Manager for a reputable automobile company, Vicki re-skilled herself through an online coaching business, learning techniques and strategies for working online. Using her own experiences, Vicki is driven by delivering quality information and supporting other women to feel confidently fulfilled in life.
Vicki Renz, mother to two boys and recurrent miscarriage survivor, documented her bodily changes through her seven pregnancies. Often anxious about particular bodily symptoms, Vicki made the connect between pregnancy and the symptoms she was going through. It drove her to create an authentic informational source to help other women experiencing the same symptoms.
Vicki hopes that all women can have an enjoyable pregnancy and postpartum experience once they understand their symptoms and how to ease them.
As Vicki’s YouTube channel began to grow and women from worldwide contacted her with questions, Vicki realised that she could do more to support others. Vicki came up with the idea to create an online community for women who have miscarried, with regular webinars (Healing Hangouts), a Facebook group with helpful resources and support, automated online courses and one-to-one coaching. Something that is hugely important for women who have miscarried, especially during the current times of not being able to get out to appointments and feeling very isolated.
The empathy that exudes from Oh My Mama Body makes Vicki Renz an honest source that many women trust. Vicki’s miscarriages took her into a deep study of healing techniques which she has combined to develop her unique Healing After Miscarriage programme. Like a guiding light, Vicki supports women through their journey from pain and grief through to acceptance and wholeness.
When not working, Vicki enjoys time with her family, travelling and mountain biking in her local German forest.
You can find details about Vicki’s website, webinars and programmes below.
For Healing After Miscarriage:
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