It is a requirement in all the states that a business should have worker’s compensation insurance. There are unscrupulous businesses who will ignore this fact hoping that nothing happens. You will be in for a rude shock when you get injured on the job and there is nothing that your employers can do about it. Personal injuries can be devastating. They could interfere with the ability to make a living. You will deserve to be compensated for the damages that have been caused by the injuries. That is why you should be looking for New York City Personal Injury Lawyer in case of an injury in the workplace and the employers are trying to assume the problem.
Eligibility Requirements
The eligibility requirements for worker’s compensation will vary from one state to another. It will also depend on the type of business and the tasks that are performed on a daily basis. There are some jobs that are inherently more risky than others and the workers will need extra protection in order to provide the right incentive.
Workplace Injuries
There are some common injuries that are synonymous with the workplace. According to data from 2013, the private sector reported up to 3 million nonfatal injuries. You’re always at risk of an injury while at work depending on what you do. There are some jobs that are prone to injuries especially if they involve repetitive motion as it is easy to lose concentration. According to statistics from the U.S Bureau of Labor, more than 1 million people suffer from back injuries. Workers Compensation injury claims, laws, and regulations are handled by the Charlotte NC work comp lawyers, which has some of the best lawyers in the state.
What You Should Do After an Injury
You might not know what to do when involved in an injury in the workplace. The first thing to do will be to notify your immediate supervisor. Even if you have to sue down the line, you will be sure that the company was notified about the injury immediately it happened.
It is the responsibility of the employer to ensure that you’re getting the necessary treatment after they’ve been notified of the injury. The employers will be required to notify the insurance provider about the injury.
The Benefits You’re Entitled To
Worker’s compensation insurance should cover the diagnosis and treatment of the injury. It will also cover the subsequent appointments to the doctor, prescriptions, medical equipment, and surgery. As an employee, you’re also entitled to vocational rehabilitation if you’re unable to return to work because of the injuries that you sustained.
Legal Rights
It should be noted that worker’s compensation doesn’t cover punitive damages and personal injuries which you’re entitled to as an employee. If you feel that the extent of the damages is not reflected in the worker’s compensation, you can file a lawsuit in civil court. You will have to look for an experienced workers compensation attorney Chicago Heights in order to increase the chances of winning the case. In most states, you have the right to recover damages if you’ve been physically harmed by the employer.
You can also file a lawsuit against your employer if they don’t have worker’s compensation insurance in place. It will be on you to prove that the employer was at fault for the personal injury. You could also sue the manufacturer of a defective machine if it is the cause for the personal injury.
A worker who is exposed to toxic substances could suffer from cumulative long-term problems. This will not be a straightforward case because of the complications involved. Employers will also not want to assume liability just for the sake of convenience.
Getting the Right Personal Injury Attorney
Before you can decide to sue your employer, you will first need to talk to a personal injury attorney. You don’t want to file a case that has no merit. An experienced attorney will be able to advise if the case is worth pursuing. Most personal injury attorneys will work on a contingency basis. This means that you only get to pay them once the case is settled in your favor. That is why it is crucial that you’re working with an established attorney for cases that involve injury at the workplace.
Before you can decide to accept employment, make sure that the company provides worker’s compensation insurance. This is particularly important if your job is risky in nature like construction. Worker’s compensation should work most of the time but it is sometimes not the case. Contact an experienced personal injury attorney if you need help.