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North East Connected

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4 Things You Should Do To Avoid Common Septic Tank Problems

ByDave Stopher

May 27, 2021

As per a research, over 21 million American households use a septic tank to collect their toilet waste! This makes it apparent just how important an element a septic tank is, especially in an urban house. But what exactly makes it so important? Well, to explain in a nutshell, it’s your underground septic tank only that collects all the filthy liquid waste of your house.

Especially that gross toilet waste – umm-hmm, yes! But hey, if you’re guessing this so-called ‘liquid waste’ includes your bathroom water waste only, then sorry to break it to you, but you’re horribly mistaken. That underground septic tank of yours traps all the dirty water of your house – from the water you use in the kitchen, to the water you use to wash your driveway. Now, do you realize why that septic tank is called a ‘hero in disguise’?

But jokes apart, a septic tank is exceptionally important. Alas, how recurrent are those septic tank issues – damping, slow draining of water, and oh, that foul smell! So, here are 4 tips you must take care of if you want to avoid these common septic tank issues:

  1. Get your septic tank assessed every once in a while

Top tip alert! You know how they say ‘precaution is better than cure’? Trust me, this one saying is a perfect fit when it comes to a septic tank’s maintenance. We know the whole tank is dug deep in the ground so inspecting its condition every other day may not be the most convenient of options.

But leaving it unchecked for months on end isn’t an option too because trust me, you wouldn’t want the dirty water to creep in your house because of some pipeline issue, one fine day. So, make it a point to get the whole tank inspected at least once every six months. This ensures you fix any problem while it’s still minuscule and manageable.

  1. Keep a check on what you flush down the loo

We are in 2021 and if we still have to educate people about what should go down the flush, then it’s a serious concern! Yet, if you don’t know already, the only things which belong in the flush are your bodily waste and the toilet paper. So, if you’re in the habit of flushing down your little one’s nasty diapers, your dirty sanitary napkins or the tampon, it’s about time you do away with this habit.

Flushing down these items doesn’t just elevate the chances of your drain clogging but is also very harmful and unacceptable from the environmental point of view. Hence, keep a check on what you flush – flushing down usual items will ‘grossly’ cost you in the future.

  1. Keep an eye on your kitchen drain too

We often happen to miss this extremely important bit, but not today! As told earlier, your kitchen liquid waste also contributes largely to all that dirty water filled in your CivilMart septic tank. And while there is not much we can actually do about it, however, the best we can make sure of is whatever we let down the sink is only dirty, wastewater.

Frequently it is seen that people tend to drain stuff like grease, oil, and even small chunks of food down the drain. How we wish they knew just how tremendously adversely it can affect the septic tank’s condition and efficiency! But now that you know this, make sure you do not make this mistake again.

  1. Do not drain in too much water

Last but never least, goldmine advice to keep those septic tank issues at bay! One of the most common septic tank issues is its clogging and overflowing. This mainly happens because the septic tank gets filled with excessive water, preventing the solid waste from breaking down and ultimately clogging the pipelines.

And well, we all know how gross the whole house starts to smell if this happens. So please, stay off from wasting too much water. This is perhaps the easiest way you can do away with those disgusting septic tank problems.

Over to you…

Septic tanks are an urban house necessity. But just like everything, a septic tank also has its own set of pros and cons. Here, we listed 4 tips to avoid common septic tank problems. Read this guide and learn how to maintain your septic tank.