• Sat. Mar 15th, 2025

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Ageing Better film puts loneliness and isolation in the spotlight

Teesside UniversityAGEING Better Middlesbrough, a Big Lottery-funded programme, has teamed up with first year TV and Film Production students at Teesside University to create a film highlighting loneliness and social isolation in Middlesbrough.

The students worked with Ageing Better Middlesbrough staff and older people to develop this short film.

Student Rob Kitchen said: “My auntie suffered from loneliness so I could relate to this project.

“When doing the research for the project I found the statistics around loneliness and isolation were hard hitting.

“It’s disheartening seeing older people swept under the carpet when they have lots to offer the community!”

Fellow student filmmaker Kareem Milligan added: “We chose to do this project as we felt the older demographic doesn’t get looked at enough.”

Ageing Better Middlesbrough wants to inspire older people to live more active, happy and healthier lives, and wanted this film to highlight the issues around loneliness and isolation and let people know how the project can help.

Student Arron Bettley agreed: “As a director, working with the older people on the day was easy as they were great and made our filming fun.

“We also gained more confidence after working with a real client.”

Sarah Jane Ashcroft, Network Development Manager at Ageing Better Middlesbrough, said: “We are very excited about our new film and are pleased to have the opportunity to work with the students.

“Their enthusiasm for the project was great. They met with us and older people from our advisory group to plan and develop the film.

“The brief we set the students was a difficult one and we think they’ve done a great job pulling it all together.

“The film highlights the different ways Ageing Better Middlesbrough is working to reduce loneliness and isolation, from 1:1 support to joining our free membership scheme and receiving information about what’s happening locally.”

Rob added: “The older people and the staff at Ageing Better Middlesbrough were very passionate about the project and the best client!

“Having this as a final project brought together our first year, using what skills we’ve learnt.”

Richard said: “I liked having the experience of working with a real client and make something we can be proud of.”

Clare Fletcher, Placement and Project Officer at Teesside University’s School of Arts and Media, said: “We often look for engaging and interesting organisations and briefs to help develop the student’s professional skills and experience.

“We were delighted Ageing Better Middlesbrough wanted to work with our students on this project.

“The students really engaged well with the brief and the film they have produced is both emotive and very effective.

“More importantly the experience of making the film I think has had a real effect on the students on a number of levels and this is brilliant to see.

“We are really proud of all of them and thank the team at Ageing Better Middlesbrough for the opportunity and the support they have offered the students.”

  • If you or someone you know ever feels lonely or isolated from others, call the team on 01642 257030 or Visit Ageing Better Middlesbrough’s website for more information ageingbettermiddlesbrough.org.uk

Ageing Better Middlesbrough would like to thank the students and staff at Teesside University for making this film and helping to raise awareness about loneliness and isolation in Middlesbrough.

Link to film: https://youtu.be/w7kDp_VLM-k

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