Henry Dancer Days set up distraction projects in the Great North Children’s Hospital in Newcastle which have been running for over 2 years. They also employ ‘The Pottery Lady’ who visits children’s bedsides to create masterpieces, which are then fired, and the children can keep. Any child from the region who is diagnosed with cancer is treated in the wards where the projects take place.
Having previously received small grants from Pudsey, Jane Nattrass (Henry Dancer’s Mum) approached Children in Need for a larger grant than is usual, which was successful. The usual highest level of grant giving is in the region of £120k.
Jane explained:
“The funds are to help us deliver more activity in the North East and spread our work nationally. Other hospitals heard what was happening in Newcastle and wanted to become involved. This amazing donation will help us to deliver projects in Leeds, Sheffield, Manchester, Liverpool and Birmingham for the next 3 years. I’m delighted that we’ll be able to lift the spirits of so many other children and, I must admit, rather overwhelmed!”
The charity has already started work in University College Hospital London with a second Storyteller using other funds which Jane has raised.
Says Jane:
“ I’m certain that Henry would be proud of what has been achieved in his name. He died aged 12 due to Osteosarcoma and I set up the charity to keep his name alive.”
For further information please go to http://henrydancerdays.co.uk/