• Sat. Mar 15th, 2025

North East Connected

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SAFC Legends break ground for Sunderland youngster

Screen Shot 2016-04-06 at 15.44.39Former Sunderland AFC captain Bobby Kerr and fellow legend Micky Horswill are part of a team breaking ground for adaptations to the home of a Sunderland youngster suffering from Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.

Ten-year-old Matthew Brettell, from Thorney Close, was diagnosed with the disease three years ago, leaving him virtually wheelchair bound, requiring assistance to get upstairs and to use the bathroom.

Sunderland-based charity Hope 4 Kidz is helping the youngster and his family, raising the money and gifts in kind needed to make a range of adaptations to their home through their Matthew’s Milestone appeal.

“Matthew is a very bright, happy little boy who has been dealt a devastating blow to both him and his family,” said Viv Watts of Hope 4 Kidz, which has already raised £37,000.

“The family need help quickly so that Matthew can live as normal life as possible for as long as possible. Matthew needs to be living as part of his family, not segregated because of access problems.”

Matthew currently shares a bedroom with his brother Daniel. Unfortunately, this room is not large enough to accommodate his electric wheelchair and the medical equipment he will require going forward.

Work needed includes the demolition of their garage and the construction of a two-storey extension in order to give Matthew his own bedroom and bathroom, a small wet room on the ground floor with an overhead tracking and hoist, as well as a mini kitchen area.

The plans will also see the installation of a disabled lift platform, a ramp, widened doors and a small living area which would double as overnight accommodation for nursing staff.

Sunderland-based Fitz Architects and Tunstall Construction Ltd have also come on board, offering their services free of charge. 

Clinton Mysleyko, director of Fitz Architects, said, “Fitz Architects is very happy to be involved in this project and offer its services for free to help Matthew and the appeal.”

Director of Tunstall Construction Ltd Brent Ganley said, “When Hope 4 Kidz contacted us we had no hesitation in wanting to be involved as we have been very touched by the story and knew that we could make a difference.”

For further information about Matthew’s Milestone or how to become involved with the appeal, call the charity direct on 0191 534 7788, email vivien.watts@hope4kidz.org.uk or log on towww.hope4kidz.org.uk.

Businesses are also being asked to support the adaptations by donating gifts in kind such as building materials, labour, kitchen, bathroom, interior furnishings and decorating.

By admin